Maps and Zoning FAQs

Here are some of the most common questions we get about Zoning in the Village of Hamel. We’ve put together this FAQ to help you get answers as quickly as possible. If you ever have a question about Zoning, you are welcome to call us at (618) 633-2484.

1. Do I need a building permit?

You need a building permit for the following:

  • If you are doing a construction project that changes the square footage, the footprint or the roofline of the building.
  • If you are building a garage, shed or other accessory structure over 200 square feet
  • If you are installing an in-ground pool.
  • If you are building a deck.
  • For above-ground pools and fences, you need a permit issued by the Village.

You do not need a building permit if you are replacing your roof. You do not need a building permit for a shed or other accessory structure that is less than 200 square feet, but you still must be in compliance with zoning requirements for accessory structures. Depending you where you live, your Homeowner’s Association Covenants, may also have restrictions.

2. Where do I get a Building Permit or schedule an Electrical or Plumbing Inspection?

The Village of Hamel contracts with Madison County Planning and Development for Building Permits and construction inspections. You can call them at (618) 296-4468. They are located in Room 254 of the Madison County Administration Building, 157 North Main Street, Edwardsville. They are open 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday.

  • For information regarding electrical inspections, contact Brad Krome at 618-296-4668.
  • For information regarding plumbing inspections, contact Gilbert Moses at 618-296-4659.

3. What do I need to build a fence?

You need a permit issued by the Village of Hamel to install a fence. You must be in compliance with zoning for you fence. You are responsible for placing your fence on your property. The Village can’t survey your property to make a final determination about your property boundaries. Knowing the boundaries of your property is the sole responsibility of the property owner.

4. What do I need to build a pool?

You need a permit issued by the Village of Hamel for an above-ground or in-ground pool. You also need a building permit for an in-ground pool. You must be in compliance with the zoning for your pool. When the Village issues the permit, we will also give you a credit for filling the pool. You are not charged sewer fees for the water used for filling a swimming pool if you have a permit.

5. Can you tell me where my property lines are?

The Village doesn’t have a record of every property boundary in the Village of Hamel. We will certainly help if we can. You should start by looking at your copy of the Plat of your property. If you don’t have a Plat, you can purchase one from the Madison County Recorder of Deeds (618) 296-4475 located in Room 211 of the Madison County Administration Building 157 North Main Street, Edwardsville, IL 62025. They are open from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday –Friday. The final say on your property boundaries would be provided by a surveyor you hire to survey your property.